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Article-142 of the Indian Constitution: Enforcement of decrees and orders UPSC CSE

Article 142

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Summary of Article 142

Article 142 of the Indian Constitution, found in Chapter IV of Part V, grants the Supreme Court extensive authority for administering complete justice, known as plenary power. It gives the Court the discretion to issue orders deemed necessary for justice in any pending matter, embodying the spirit of judicial activism. This allows the Supreme Court to do its job as the guardian of the Constitution. Article 142 has seen increased usage in recent years, raising concerns about the lack of uniform rules governing its application. While the power has two main aspects – achieving complete justice and addressing legislative gaps – its broad nature allows the Court to issue case-specific orders. However, critics call for judicial restraint due to the undefined nature of complete justice, which can lead to discretionary misuse. Such concerns highlight the potential for judges to overreach into legislative functions, emphasising the need for a clear framework to avoid excessive interpretation or lawmaking.

Article 142 of the Indian Constitution gives the Supreme Court special power to issue orders for doing ‘complete justice’ for the public at large. It provides plenary power which gives the Court the discretion to issue orders deemed necessary for justice in any pending matter, embodying the spirit of judicial activism.

Judicial Activism is when judges go beyond the mere application of laws and interpret them taking into account the wider societal implications of laws. In simple words judicial activism comes into play when the judiciary intervenes to scrutinise executive actions, guaranteeing the protection of individuals rights and also ensuring socio-economic justice. Judicial activism plays a very important role in allowing judges to act in their own discretion in matters where the legislation is silent or has proven ineffective.

Judicial restraint is the opposite of Judicial activism. It urges the judges to limit the use of their powers and discrepancies under law and avoid the introduction of personal feelings or preference into legal proceedings. Different from judicial activism, judicial restraint supports the ordinary political process. This approach promotes democratic governance by leaving policy decisions to policymakers. Essentially, judicial restraint highlights the need for caution in the judiciary's role. Judges should stick to interpreting laws and keep their involvement limited to what is necessary. In essence, the court should avoid unnecessary interference with the government's functioning.

Background of Article 142

Judicial Activism: it denotes a concept where judges go beyond the mere application of laws and interpret them taking into account the wider societal implications of laws. In simple words judicial activism comes into play when the judiciary intervenes to scrutinise executive actions, guaranteeing the protection of individual’s rights and also ensuring socio-economic justice. Judicial activism plays a very important role in allowing judges to act in their own discretion in matters where the legislation is silent or has proven ineffective. These provisions are given in the Indian Constitution in Article 142 (Power to Do Complete Justice), Article 32 (Power to Issue Writs), Article 141 (Supreme Court’s decisions to be binding on all courts in India) and Article 136 (Special Leave Petition).

Judicial Restraint: Judicial restraint is the opposite of Judicial activism. It urges the judges to limit the use of their powers and discretions under law and avoid the introduction of personal feelings or preference into legal proceedings. Different from judicial activism, judicial restraint supports the ordinary political process. This approach promotes democratic governance by leaving policy decisions to policymakers. Essentially, judicial restraint highlights the need for caution in judiciary’s role. Judges should stick to interpreting laws and keep their involvement limited to what is necessary. In essence, the court should avoid unnecessary interference with the government's functioning.

Introduction of Article 142

Article 142 is contained in Chapter IV of Part V of the Constitution of India. It grants the Supreme Court of India unlimited authority to administer complete justice. This order would be applicable throughout the territory of India. This power is known as the “plenary power” of the Supreme Court. It gives the supreme court discretionary power to pass any order that it deems fit or necessary for complete justice in any matter pending before it. It can be said that Article 142 contains the spirit of judicial activism within it. Article 142 was enacted by the constituent assembly on 27.05.1949.

In recent years usage of Article 142 has increased for deciding cases. This frequent invocation of Article 142 of the Constitution is not based on a uniform set of rules for its application. Due to this many experts have called for Judicial restraint in the “unlimited power” given to the Supreme Court in Article 142.

Nature of power under Article 142

The Supreme Court usually uses its special authority under Article 142 in two ways: to achieve ‘complete justice’ or to address ‘legislative gaps’. There are three aspects to the power of the Supreme Court under Article142:

Scope of Article 142

Article 142 has been made with the intention of satisfying circumstances that cannot be addressed with the legal provisions under laws of land. Article 142(1) embodies the concept of ‘complete justice’ marked by flexibility. This adaptability is put in place to handle the complexities of humans and laws. The power under this Article allows it to issue a variety of orders within the legal framework.

Exercise of judicial restraint

while the powers given to the Supreme Court under Article 142 are vast, many have called for exercise of judicial restraint while exercising these powers to prevent judges overreaching to the legislatures’ field and start making laws rather than interpreting them. Judicial restraint should be exercised while exercising powers under Article 142 for the following reasons:

Situations in which Article 142 is used by Judiciary

Judiciary on Article 142

Conclusion of Article 142

Article 142 of the Indian Constitution gives the Supreme Court special power to issue orders for doing ‘complete justice’ for the public at large. However, the judgements given by the Apex Court have created some confusion. The best way forward would be to formulate elaborate guidelines on the use of the powers under this Article, such guidelines should be made while keeping in mind the principles of separation of powers and judicial restraint. However, such guidelines should also give room for judicial activism in certain cases as it has been seen in the past that judicial activism has indeed been a tool for social justice.

Prelims PYQS of Article-142 of the Indian Constitution: Enforcement of decrees and orders UPSC CSE

With reference to the Constitution of India, prohibitions or limitations or provisions contained in ordinary laws cannot act as prohibitions or limitations on the constitutional powers under Article 142. It could mean which one of the following? (2019)
(a) The decisions taken by the Election Commission of India while discharging its duties cannot be challenged in any court of law.
(b) The Supreme Court of India is not constrained in the exercise of its powers by the laws made by Parliament.
(c) In the event of a grave financial crisis in the country, the President of India can declare a Financial Emergency without the counsel from the Cabinet.
(d) State Legislatures cannot make laws on certain matters without the concurrence of the Union Legislature.

Correct Answer :(b) The Supreme Court of India is not constrained in the exercise of its powers by the laws made by Parliament.

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