Lecture 01 |
Evolution of the universe and the earth |
- Evolution of Universe/planet/moon
- The origin of the Earth
- Early Theories
- Modern Theories – BBT
- Star Formation
- Formation of Planets
- Solar System
- The Evolution of the Earth
- Layered Structure (5 layers)
- Lithosphere/ Atmosphere/ Hydrosphere
Lecture 02 |
Geometry & interior of the earth |
- Geological History of the Earth
- Latitude and Longitude including important Parallels and Meridians
- Heat zones of earth
- Motions of the Earth - Rotation, Revolution and their effects- Solstice/Equinox/Perihelion/Aphelion
- Seismic waves- Body waves (P&S), Surface waves (L&R)
- Earth’s magnetic field/ related theories/ Poles/ Auroras
- Inclination of the Earth’s Axis and its effects
- Interior structure of earth- crust/lithosphere/ mantle. Asthenosphere/core/discontinuities
- Local and Standard Time and the International Date Line, Calendar
- Eclipses - Solar, Lunar
- Origin of Life
- Geological time scale
Lecture 03 |
Geology and Distribution of ocean & the continents |
- Minerals – Major elements of earth’s crust, physical characteristics, Erosion transportation and deposition
- Continent and Oceans theories – Pangea, Panthalasa, CDT, Sea floor spreading, PTT, Major/Minor tectonic theory, Interaction of plates, Ocean convergence, Island arc convergence, plate boundaries, Plate movements, Indian plate
- Distribution of fossils
- Convectional current theory
- Mapping of the ocean floor
Lecture 04 |
Volcanism, minerals & rocks |
- Causes & types – extinct/dormant/active
- Lava and its types
- Volcanic landforms – intrusive/extrusive
- Eruptive volcanism
- Geysers and hot springs
- Volcanos in India
- Pacific ring of fire
- Earthquakes- causes/types & distribution
- Tsunami- effects/mechanism
- Warning systems & govt. initiatives/efforts
- Minerals- properties
- Rocks- types (igneous/ sedimentary/ metamorphic)
Lecture 05 |
Earth Movement |
- Geomorphic Process vs Geomorphic Agents
- Endogenic Geomorphic Movements
- Diastrophism/ Metamorphism
- Epeirogenic movement
- Orogenic process
- Sudden Movements/li>
- Exogenic Geomorphic Movements
- Denudation
- Weathering/ Erosion/ Deposition
- Mass movement
- Folds – mountains – formation/ classification/types
Lecture 06 |
Mountain formation |
- Tectonics
- Convection Current Theory
- Plate Tectonics
- Continent-Ocean Convergence or the Cordilleran Convergence
- Formation of Continental Arcs
- Classification of Mountains
- Fold Mountains
- Block Mountains
- Volcanic mountains
- Formation of Fold Mountains (Orogeny)
- Formation of the Andes Geomorphic Movements
- Endogenic Geomorphic Movements
- Formation of the Rockies
- Continent-Continent Convergence or The Himalayan Convergence
- Formation of the Himalayans and the Tibetan Plateau
- Formation of Alps, Urals, Appalachians and the Atlas Mountains
- Location of the world’s fold mountain systems along the margins of continents
- Continent-Arc Convergence or New Guinea Convergence Divergent boundary
- Evolution – Formation of Rift Valleys, Rif Lakes, Seas and Oceans
- Rift valley lakes
- Great Rift Valley
- East African Rift Valley
- Significant mountains and mountain ranges
- Highest mountain peaks
Lecture 07 |
Landforms and their Evolution |
- Geomorphic Agents: Erosional or Destructional, Depositional or Constructional
- Agents and their Impacts
- Pediments and Pedi plains
- Playas
- Deflation Hollows and Caves
- Mushroom, Table & Pedestal Rocks
- Barchans
- Seif
- Parabolic
- Transverse
- Longitudinal
- Running Water: 2 Components
- Overland Flow – Sheet
- Linear Flow – Strems
- Stages
- Youth Mature Old “ Erosional Landforms
- Valleys, Rills, Gullies, Valleys – V Shape,
- Gorge (Hard Rocks), Canyon (Sedimentary)
- Potholes & Plunge pools
- Incised or entrenched meanders
- River Terraces – paired & unpaired
- Depositional Landforms
- Terraces
- Caves
- Stacks
- Depositional Landforms
- Beaches and Dunes
- Bars Barriers Spits
- Weathering
- Weather over Earth Materials: Factors
- Geological
- Climatic
- Topographic Vegetative: Major Processes,
- Physical or Mechanical and Biological
- Chemical – Forces Chemical Action
- Solution
- Carbonation, Hydration
- Oxidation &
- Reduction: Physical Forces Gravitational,
- Expansion, Water Pressure Unloading &
- Expansion
- Temperature changes and Expansion
- Alluvial Fans
- Delta
- Flood Plains, Natural Levees, Point Bars
- Meanders, Slip off bank, Under cut bank
- Oxbow lake
- Braided Channels
- Ground Water (Karst Topography)
- Permeable Rocks
- Percolation
- Limestone and Dolomite Regions
- Balkans, Adjacent to Adriatic regions
- Pools-Swallow Hole, Valley Sinks (Uvalas),
- Sinkholes, Collapse
- sinks (Dolines), Lapies, Ridges, Limestone
- Pavements
- Caves – Altering bed of Rocks (Shale
- sandstone quartzite), Caves and Tunnels
- Stalactites
- Stalagmites
- Pillar Columns
Lecture 08 |
Landforms and their Evolution |
- Glaciers
- Cirque of Tarn Lakes
- Hors and Serrated Regions – Arete
- Glacial Valleys/ Troughs – Fiords
- Glacial Tills
- Moraines
- Eskers
- Outwash Planes
- Drumlins
- Waves and Currents: High Rocky Coasts & Low
- Sedimentary Coasts
- Clifs
- Terraces
- Caves
- Stacks
- Depositional Landforms
- Beaches and Dunes
- Bars Barriers Spits
- Weathering
- Weather over Earth Materials: Factors
- Geological
- Climatic
- Topographic Vegetative: Major Processes, Physical or Mechanical and Biological
- Chemical – Forces Chemical Action Solution
- Carbonation, Hydration Oxidation & Reduction: Physical Forces Gravitational, Expansion, Water Pressure Unloading & Expansion
- Temperature changes and Expansion
- Freezing, Thawing, & Frost Wedging
- Salt Weathering
- Biological Weathering
- Burrowing
- Wedging
- Plant Roots
- Effects of Weathering
- Exfoliation (Flaking)– Exfoliation Domes, Tors Significance of Weathering Soil Formation
- Biomes and Biodiversity
- Leaching / Enrichment
- Mass Movements- types, slow movement, rapid movement, heavy flow movement, landslides
- Landforms across world: rivers & lakes, mountains & peaks, fold mountain, volcanic mountain
- Plateaus- formation, types, significance, major plateau of world
Lecture 09 |
Atmosphere |
- Composition of Atmosphere
- Evolution of Earth’s atmosphere
- Gases of the Atmosphere
- Water Vapour
- Dust Particles
- Structure of Atmosphere- Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere, Exosphere
- Altitude vs Temperature
- Importance of Earth’s Atmosphere Temperature Distribution on Earth
- Ways of Transfer of Heat Energy -Radiation, Conduction & Convection
- Factors Affecting Temperature Distribution
- Albedo
- Land-Sea Differential
- Prevailing Winds
- Aspects of Slope
- Earth’s Distance from Sun
- The Mean Annual Temperature Distribution
- General characteristics of isotherms
- General Temperature Distribution
- Seasonal Temperature Distribution
- Latitudinal Heat Balance
- Heat Budget / Heat balance
- Vertical Distribution of Temperature
- Latent Heat of Condensation
- Lapse Rate
- Adiabatic Lapse Rate (ALR)
- Temperature Inversion
- Solar Radiation Heat Balance Temperature
- Insolation
- Aphelion and Perihelion
- Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems
Lecture 10 |
Pressure Systems and Water Cycle |
- Atmospheric Pressure
- Vertical variation of pressure
- Horizontal distribution of pressure
- World Distribution of Sea Level Pressure
- Factors affecting the velocity and direction of the WIND
- General Circulation of the Atmosphere – Pattern of Planetary
- Winds
- Latitudinal Variation of Atmospheric
- Heating
- Emergence of Pressure Belts
- Migration of Belts Following apparent Path of Sun
- Distribution of continents & Oceans
- Rotation of the Earth
- Circulation
- Simplified Global Circulation – Hadley Cell, Ferrel Cell, Polar cell
- Seasonal Wind
- Local Wind
- Land and Sea Breezes
- Mountain and Valley winds
- AIR MASS – fronts
- Extra Tropical Cyclone
- Thunderstorms
- Tornadoes
- Water in the Atmosphere
- Water Vapour
- Precipitation
- Evaporation and Condensation
- Clouds: Types – Cirrus Cumulus Stratus Nimbus
- High – Cirrus Cirrostratus Cirrocumulus
- Middle – Altostratus Altocumulus
- Low – Stratocumulus Nimbostratus
- Vertical Development – Cumulus and Cumulonimbus
- Precipitation
- Types of Rainfall and World Distribution of Rainfall
- Humidity, Fog, Mist, Smog
- Thunderstorms - types
- Hailing - formation
- Tornado - distribution
- Lightning
Lecture 11, 12 |
Tropical and temperate Cyclones + World Climate |
- Conditions required for the formation of Tropical Cyclone
- Convective cyclogenesis (Development of Tropical Cyclone)
- Path of Tropical Cyclone
- Damage associated with Cyclone
- Arabian sea Cyclone
- Naming of Tropical Cyclone
- Early warning system for tropical Cyclone
- Floods/Wind
- IMD warning system
- Jet streams- features/ types-permanent/temporary, Polar front jet,
- Polar vortex and ozone depletion
- Polar front jet
- Somali jet
- Temperate cyclone
- Air masses – sources, condition
- Front formation- classification
- Polar front theory
- Ozone depletion
- El Nino and La Nina
- Indian Ocean dipole
- Effect on regional and world climate
- Effect of these events on Indian Monsoon
- Climate classification – Koppen’s, Walker
- Fujiwara effect
- Madden-Julian oscillation
Lecture 13 |
Ocean Relief feature, Salinity & Temperature |
- Distribution of water on the earth
- Major Ocean Relief Features
- Continental Shelf
- Continental Slope
- Continental Rise
- Deep Sea Plain or Abyssal Plain
- Minor Ocean Relief Features
- Oceanic Deeps or Trenches
- Mid-Oceanic Ridges or Submarine Ridges
- Abyssal Hills
- Submarine Canyons
- Atoll
- Bank, Shoal and Reef Major Oceans and Seas
- Oceans of the World by Size
- The Pacific Ocean
- The Atlantic Ocean
- The Indian Ocean
- Marginal Seas
- Human Impact on marginal seas
- Biomass Production and Primary productivity
- Water Circulation in Marginal Seas
- Bays, gulfs, and Straits
- Bays
- Gulfs
- Straits
- Isthmus
- Factors Affecting Ocean Salinity
- Horizontal distribution of salinity
- Source of Heat in Oceans
- Factors Affecting Temperature Distribution of Oceans
- Vertical Temperature Distribution of Oceans
- Thermocline
- Horizontal Temperature Distribution
- Range of Ocean Temperature sunspot
- Ocean Deposits
- Terrigenous Deposits
- Pelagic Deposits
- Mineral Resources
- Mineral deposits found on continental shelves and slopes
- Mineral deposits found on deep sea floor
- Energy Resources
- Fresh Water
- Biotic Resources
- United Nations Internationa Conferences on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
- Territorial waters
- Contiguous Zone or Pursuit Zone
- Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- High seas
Lecture 13 |
Ocean Relief feature, Salinity & Temperature |
- Distribution of water on the earth
- Major Ocean Relief Features
- Continental Shelf
- Continental Slope
- Continental Rise
- Deep Sea Plain or Abyssal Plain
- Minor Ocean Relief Features
- Oceanic Deeps or Trenches
- Mid-Oceanic Ridges or Submarine Ridges
- Abyssal Hills
- Submarine Canyons
- Atoll
- Bank, Shoal and Reef Major Oceans and Seas
- Oceans of the World by Size
- The Pacific Ocean
- The Atlantic Ocean
- The Indian Ocean
- Marginal Seas
- Human Impact on marginal seas
- Biomass Production and Primary productivity
- Water Circulation in Marginal Seas
- Bays, gulfs, and Straits
- Bays
- Gulfs
- Straits
- Isthmus
- Factors Affecting Ocean Salinity
- Horizontal distribution of salinity
- Source of Heat in Oceans
- Factors Affecting Temperature Distribution of Oceans
- Vertical Temperature Distribution of Oceans
- Thermocline
- Horizontal Temperature Distribution
- Range of Ocean Temperature sunspot
- Ocean Deposits
- Terrigenous Deposits
- Pelagic Deposits
- Mineral Resources
- Mineral deposits found on continental shelves and slopes
- Mineral deposits found on deep sea floor
- Energy Resources
- Fresh Water
- Biotic Resources
- United Nations Internationa Conferences on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
- Territorial waters
- Contiguous Zone or Pursuit Zone
- Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ)
- High seas
Lecture 14 |
Ocean Movements & Coral Reef + Water resources |
- Ocean Currents
- Primary Forces Responsible for Ocean Currents
- Secondary Forces Responsible for Ocean Currents
- Types of Ocean Currents
- Pacific Ocean Currents
- Phytoplankton and Fishing
- Atlantic Ocean Currents
- Indian Ocean Currents
- Effects of Ocean Currents
- Desert Formation and Ocean Currents
- Tides
- Tidal Bulge: Why there are two tidal bulges?
- Types of Tides
- Importance of Tides
- Characteristics of Tides
- Tidal bore
- Impact of Tidal Bore Temperature Distribution of Oceans
- Vertical Distribution of Salinity Coral Reefs
- Coral Reef Relief Features
- Fringing Reefs (Shore Reefs)
- Barrier Reefs
- Atolls
- Development of Major Coral Reef Types
- Ideal Conditions for Coral Growth
- Distribution of Coral Reefs
- Corals and Zooxanthellae
- Symbiotic Relationship Between Corals and Zooxanthellae
- Coral Bleaching or Coral Reef Bleaching
- Ecological Causes of Coral Bleaching
- Spatial and temporal range of coral reef bleaching Resources from the Ocean
Water resources
- Resources- Underground/ Surface/ Inland
- Oceanic water resources & utilizations
- Water pollution
Lecture 15 |
Physiography of India (1) |
Location/ Geopolitical significance
Latitude & Longitude
Geological division- peninsular block
Himalayas- transhimalayas/ greater/lesser/purvanchal/ranges
Aravali/ Vindhayan/ Satpura range
Western/ Eastern ghats
Lecture 16 |
Physiography of India (2) – Drainage system + Climate + Soils + Natural vegetation |
Drainage System of India
- Himalayan Drainage System
- Drainage
- Indus River system
- Ganga/Yamuna/Indua River System
- Brahmaputra river system
- Peninsular Drainage System
- River Systems of Peninsular Drainage
- Small Rivers Flowing Towards East and West
- Interlinking of rivers
- Factors influencing the climate of India
- Monsoon
- Mechanism of the Monsoon: Classical Theory, Modern theory, Air mass theory
- Impact of EL-NINO and LA-NINA
- The rhythm of Seasons: cold weather, hot weather, southwest monsoon season, retreating monsoon season
- Climatic Regions of India
- Classification of Soils
- Soil textures
- Issue of Soil degradation & Soil
- Erosion
- Soil Conservation
Natural vegetation
- Forest- types/ cover/ conservation/ issues
Lecture 17 |
Plateau, Plains, and islands of India |
- Northern and coastal Plains of India
- Formation of Indo-Gangetic Brahmaputra Plain
- Features of Indo-Gangetic-Brahmaputra Plain
- Divisions of Indo-Gangetic-Brahmaputra Plain
- Regional Divisions of the Great Plains
- Peninsular Plateau
- Minor Plateaus in the Peninsular Plateau
- Marwar Plateau or Mewar Plateau
- Central Highland
- Bundelkhand Upland
- Malwa Plateau
- Baghelkhand
- Chotanagpur Plateau
- Meghalaya Plateau
- Deccan Plateau
- Hill Ranges of the Peninsular Plateau
- Significance of the Peninsular Plateau Coastline of India
- East Coast of India
- West Coast of India
- Coastlines of Emergence and Submergence
- Western Coastal Plains of India
- Kutch and Kathiawar region
- Gujarat Plain
- Konkan Plain
- Karnataka Coastal Plain
- Kerala Plain
- Eastern Coastal Plains of India
- Utkal Plain
- Andhra Plain
- Tamil Nadu Plain
- Significance of the Coastal Plains Indian Islands
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands
- Lakshadweep Islands
- New Moore Island
- Riverine islands
Lecture 18 |
Indian rocks |
- Major Physical Divisions of India Rock System of India
- Archaean Rock System (Pre-Cambrian Rocks)
- Archaean Gneisses and Schists (4 billion years old)
- Dharwar System (1 to 4 billion years old)
- Purana Rock System (600 to 1400 million years old)
- Dravidian Rock System (Palaeozoic)
- Carboniferous rocks (350 million years)
- Aryan Rock System
- Gondwana System
- Jurassic System
- Deccan Trap
Lecture 19 |
Indian climate & monsoon |
- Features of Indian Climate
- Factors influencing Indian Climate
- Latitudinal location
- Distance from the Sea
- Indian Climate – Seasons
- Winter Season in India
- Summer Season in India
- Rainy Season – South West Monsoon Season
- North East Monsoon Season – Retreating Monsoon Season
- Climatic Regions of India
Lecture 20 |
Soil & Natural vegetation |
- Biogeography – Soils
- Soil Types: Sandy, Clayey & Loamy
- Soil Profile (Soil Horizon)
- Factors that influence soil formation in Indian Conditions
- Parent Materia
- Relief
- Climate
- Natural Vegetation
- Major Soil Groups of India
- Alluvial Soils
- Black Soils
- Red Soils
- Laterite – Lateritic Soils
- Forest – Mountain Soils
- Arid – Desert Soils
- Saline – Alkaline Soils
- Peaty – Marshy Soils
- Natural Vegetation of India
- Classification of Natural Vegetation of India
- Moist Tropical Forests
- Dry Tropical Forests
- Montane Sub-Tropical Forests
- Montane Temperate Forests
- Alpine Forests
Lecture 21 |
Agriculture |
- Land Resource, Land-use
- Land capability classification
- Causes and Impact of Land Degradation
- Steps taken by GOI
- Sustainable Land Management
- Basic terms related to Agriculture
- Performance of the agriculture sector
- Types of farming in India
- Dry zone farming
- Organic farming
- Cropping seasons in India
- Cropping Pattern in India
- Agriculture regionalization
- Infrastructure factors: Seeds; Fertilizers;
- Irrigation
- Land use pattern in India
- Institutional Factors as land reform
- Horticulture sector in India
- Agricultural revolutions
- Agricultural labours
- Price Policy for Agriculture
- Agricultural marketing, Insurance, Census
- Major schemes in agricultural sector
- National Policy for farmers
- Impact of climate change on agriculture
- What is sustainable agriculture?
- Use of IT in agriculture
- Agriculture Issues and Challenges
- Productivity of Crops and conditions for growth
- Wheat: Conditions of growth, Varieties,
- Types of cultivation, Production pattern, international trade
- Rice
- Maize (Corn)
- Oats, Rye, Beverages, Tea
- Coffee, Cocoa, Tobacco
- Fibre Crops
- Cotton, Jute
- Abaca,Sisal, Raw Silk,
- Natural Rubber
- Other sources of rubber
- Plantations in South-east Asia
- Sugarcane, Sugarbeet
- Sugar industry
- Sugar consumption
- Study Conditions of growth, Varieties,
- Types of cultivation, Production pattern, international trade of various crops
Lecture 22 |
Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Sectors & Industrial Development |
- Primary Activities
- Hunting and Gathering
- Pastoralism
- Commercial Livestock Rearing
- Subsistence Agriculture
- Plantation Agriculture
- Extensive Commercial Grain Cultivation
- Mixed Farming
- Dairy Farming
- Mediterranean Agriculture
- Horticulture
- Co-operative Farming
- Collective Farming
- Mining Secondary Activities
- Modern Manufacturing Industry
- Classification of Manufacturing Industries
- Foot Loose Industries
- Traditional Large-Scale Industrial Regions
- Concept of High Technology Industry Tertiary Activities
- Types of tertiary activities
- Transportation
- Tourism
- Quaternary Activities
- The Quaternary Sector
- Quinary Activities
- Outsourcing
Industrial development
- History
- Government policy
- Iron & steel industry
- Cotton & textile industry
- Jute & Silk industry
- Sugar & Tea industry
- Marine/ Fisheries
- India vs Japan vs USA vs China
Lecture 23 |
Mineral Resources |
- Iron
- Types of Iron Ore
- Magnetite (Fe3O4)
- Haematite (Fe2O3)
- Limonite
- Iron Ore Distribution Across the World
- Largest iron ore producers
- Largest iron ore reserves
- Top Iron ore producers in the world
- Iron Ore Distribution in India
- Hematite reserves
- Magnetite reserves
- Iron Ore Production in India Coal
- Formation of Coal
- Stages of coal formation
- Classification of coal
- Peat
- Lignite (brown coal)
- Bituminous Coal (black coal)
- Anthracite Coal (Semi-metallic lustre)
- Coking Coal vs. Non-Coking Coal (Thermal Coal)
- Distribution of Coal in India
- Gondwana Coal (250 million years ago)
- Tertiary Coal (formed 60 – 15 million years ago)
- Major Coalfields in India
- State-wise coal reserves and coal production in India
- The demand of coal, production, supply and import of coal in India
- Measures taken by the government to boost production
- Distribution of Coal across the World Petroleum and Mineral Oil
- Formation of Petroleum and Mineral Oil
- Conditions for Formation of Petroleum and mineral oil
- Distribution of Petroleum and Mineral Oil in India
- Extent of Oil-Bearing Strata in India
- On-shore Oil Production in India
- Off-Shore Oil Production in India.
- State-wise crude oil and natural gas production trends
- Share of major fuels in Power Generation in India
- India’s Oil Imports
- Oil Refiners in India
- Crude Oil Pipelines
- World distribution of Petroleum and Mineral Oil
- OPEC – Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries Natural gas
- Distribution of Natural Gas across Indian and the World
- Top natural gas producers, consumers, and countries with highest reserves
- Petroleum and Gas Value Chain Unconventional Gas Reservoirs
- Coalbed Methane
- Coalbed Methane in India
- Shale Gas
- Extraction of Shale Gas
- Shale Gas Reserves across India and the World
- Shale Gas Extraction Issues in India – If US can then why can’t India?
- Tight Gas Bauxite
- Bauxite Distribution in India
- Bauxite Distribution across the World Lead & Zinc
- Lead
- Zinc
- Distribution – India and World
- Gold and Silver
- Gold Reserves and Production in India
- World’s Gold Reserves and Gold Production
- Silver Reserves and Production – India & World Ores of Metals used in Alloys
- Manganese ore distribution in India & World
- Tungsten
- Distribution of Wolfram in India and across the World
- Copper Ore Distribution and Production in India
- Distribution of Copper Ore and Production Across the World
- Nickel
- Distribution of Nickel in India and World
- Molybdenum
- Chromite
- Chromite Distribution across India & World
- Distribution of Cobalt Reserves across India and the World Strategic Minerals
- KABIL Set up to Ensure Supply of Critical Minerals Non Metallic: Graphite and Diamond
- Distribution of Graphite across India and World
- Distribution of Diamond Bearing rocks and gravels in India
- Diamonds Across the World
- Differences Between Graphite and Diamond Non Metallic: Limestone, Dolomite and Magnesite
- Limestone
- Distribution of Limestone in India
- Dolomite
- Magnesite Other Non-Metallic Mineral Resources
- Mica
- Asbestos
- Kyanite
- Sillimanite
- Gypsum Atomic Minerals
- Uranium Reserves and Production across the World
- Uranium in India
- Nuclear Power Plants in India
- Thorium Distribution
Lecture 24 |
Energy Resources |
- Classification of energy
- Production of conventional energy
- General trends of energy production and consumption
- Reserves and sources of energy
- Coal
- Nature and origin of coal: Constituents and kinds of coal
- Coalfields and coal production
- By-products of coal
- Conservation of Coal Petroleum
- Petroleum
- Nature and properties of petroleum
- Origin and recovery
- Exploration, refining, reserves, Producing areas, Consumption of petroleum
- International trade
- OPEC and its role in oil trade
- Natural gas: Reserves and Production
- Hydro-electricity
- Advantages of hydro-electricity
- Ideal conditions for generation of hydro electricity
- Distribution of potential hydro-power
- Hydro-electric Power Generation
- Atomic (Nuclear) Energy
- Atomic: source minerals: Uranium World distribution of uranium and Production of uranium
- Thorium: Production of Atomic (Nuclear)
- Energy
- Nuclear Energy: the energy of future
- Alternative (non-conventional)
- Sources of energy
- Renewable Energy
- Solar Energy
- Wind Energy
- Geothermal Energy
- Tidal Energy
- Wave Energy
- Biomass Energy
- Alternate Energy Sources
- Hydrogen as a Fuel for Future or
- Hydrogen as an Alternative Energy Source
- Microbial Fuel Cell
- Energy Context concerning Indian Scenario
- Energy Plantation
- Energy crisis
Lecture 25 |
Transportation and Communication |
- Modes of Transportation
- Land Transport: Roads, Railways, Water Transport, Sea Routes, Shipping Canals, Inland Waterways, Air Transport
- Pipelines
- Major Port Authorities + Indian Ports
- Regional Rapid Transit System
- Coastal highway
- Way to boost up Air/Water transport
- International trade & Communication
Lecture 26 |
Human Geography |
- Population & related theories
- Cultural setting
- Migration
Lecture 27 |
Doubt Session |