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What to Read in The Hindu
05 April 2023

1.World Bank lowers India’s growth forecast to 6.3%

  • Page 1
  • GS 3: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilisation of resources, growth, development and employment.


2. A new economics for a new world

  • Page 6 (Editorial)
  • GS 3: Indian Economy and issues relating to planning, mobilisation of resources, growth, development and employment.


3. Summer resolution

  • Page 6 (Editorial)
  • Prelims syllabus: General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change

4. A case for marriage equality

  • Page 7 (OpEd)
  • GS 1: Society: Social empowerment


5. What was discussed at the UN water conference?

  • Page 8
  • Prelims syllabus: General issues on Environmental Ecology, Biodiversity and Climate Change


6. Lokpal closes 68% graft complaints against officers without action: report

  • Page 10
  • GS 2: Appointment to various Constitutional posts, powers, functions and responsibilities of various Constitutional Bodies.


7. Germany may offer sale of advanced submarines to India

  • Page 10
  • GS 3: Various Security forces and agencies and their mandates


8. Vacancies of judges remain high, cases pile up: India Justice Report/ More women judges at districts courts than in High Courts

  • Page 12
  • GS 2: Structure, organisation and functioning of the Executive and the Judiciary


9. Finland joins NATO bloc; Russia says move will escalate Ukraine conflict

  • Page 13
  • GS 2: International Relations- Important International institutions, agencies, their structure and mandates


10. ONDC will help democratise ecommerce, says Nilekani

  • Page 14
  • Prelims syllabus: Current events of national and international importance.


11. Windfall taxes on fuels virtually scrapped, for now

  • Page 14
  • GS 2: International Relations- Important International institutions, agencies, their structure and mandates