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IAS full Form

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The IAS Full Form is Indian Administrative Service (आईएएस का फुल फॉर्म भारतीय प्रशासनिक सेवा है) earlier known as the Imperial Civil Service(ICS) was founded in 1858 during British rule is one of the three All India services along with IPS (Indian Police Service) & IFoS(Indian Forest Service). Recruitment of process for the post of IAS Officers is done conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC). This is called the Civil Services Examination (CSE) which has a measly 0.2% success rate making it one of the toughest exams in the world. While 10 lakh students apply for it on an average only 180 students make it to this coveted position. Another way to become an IAS is through promotion from State Civil Services. In this article, we will be discussing all things related to the IAS and direct recruitment after giving CSE.

What is the IAS?

Indian Administrative Services is the key for the administrative structure of the country. It acts as a foundation for the bureaucracy and administration of this country. Members of the IAS are employed in union government, state government, even in the public sector undertakings(PSU) and international organizations like United Nations(UN), International Monetary Fund(IMF) ,World bank etc. In central government administration they takeup posts of Jobs offered to the IAS officers are the post of SDM, Collector, Commissioner, Chief Secretary, Cabinet Secretary to name a few. Unlike Politicians who are temporary executives the ,IAS is part of the permanent executives’ branch of India.

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Role of an IAS officer

The role of an IAS officer depends on the types of assignments they get.

  • On Field Roles: considered to be the toughest of the three where the officer is deputed in direct State administration. Extent of role depends on the posting assigned.
  • Public Sector Undertakings: IAS officers get a job at Public Sector Undertakings(PSU) & become a part of higher management. These undertakings include power companies, industrial units, defence units, coal sector and many more
  • State Secretariat: Working on policies in the State government.
  • Central Secretariat: Working on policies in the Central government.
  • International Roles: They are deputed to represent India at International organisations like the United Nations, World Health Organisation, World Trade Organisation etc.

These duties are very difficult to handle and need a candidate with the effective intelligence. Therefore the exams are made difficult to crack. But with help of the right strategy, proper guidance, perseverance and consistent hard work one can easily clear this exam.

Perks and Benefits an IAS Officer is Entitled To

An IAS officer has a decent salary on top of which they get perks which guarantee a comfortable life for them. They have the power to make a difference in the lives of millions of people. They also get huge respect in society. They have the power to influence policies in the areas of social projects, education, health, and the economy. This is an unrivalled ability to serve the people and the country. Only the Indian Administrative Service provides the opportunity to participate directly and actively in the country's development. The income and benefits of an IAS officer, together with the power he or she possesses, are pretty impressive. It also provides an opportunity to use one's talents and abilities to help the country.
Let’s discuss a few of the benefits available to IAS officers in detail:

  • Accommodation: IAS officers get luxurious houses as accommodation free of cost according to their seniority and ranks. They get other support for upkeep of the house as well like cook, gardener, etc.
  • Transport: To be able to do their job well, IAS officers are given vehicles and designated drivers.
  • Security: IAS officers hold difficult and powerful positions, this endangers their life. Hence protection is provided to them and their families.
  • Bills: The bills are generally free or highly subsidized and it includes water, electricity, phone and gas connections
  • Trips: Travel for work is paid by the government. Even Leave Travel Allowance is given.
  • Study Leaves: After being in service for 7 years an IAS officer can apply for study leave on the condition that they sign a bond for continuing service after that.
  • Job Security: Article 311 of the Indian Constitution provides security of tenure and a difficult process for removal from job only after an extensive investigation.
  • Retirement Benefits
    • National Pension Scheme: During service an IAS officer and the government make contributions to the NPS which can be utilized post retirement. These are tax free deposits and benefits.
    • Post Retirement Positions: After retirement, IAS officers can easily be appointed to commissions and other government/ social service positions
    These are the main benefits however other perks dependent from place to place.

Salary of an IAS Officer

The Central Government approved the 7th Pay Commission on 29th June 2018. The IAS officer gets 56,100 Rs (TA, DA, and HRA are extra) as the basic pay at the entry-level. Then 16,500 is the grade pay.Also, the maximum salary of a senior IAS officer can go on to reach Rs. 2,50,000 for a Cabinet Secretary.And the additional allowances are:

  • Dearness Allowance increased by the Government at regular intervals. It can increase more than 100% of the basic pay. Hence, DA can directly increase the IAS officer's Salary.
  • House Rent Allowance(HRA) is based on the city where the IAS Officer is posted. It generally lies between 8% to 24% of the basic pay of officers.
  • Travel Allowance
  • Transport Allowance
  • Medical Allowance: IAS officers can get reimbursed in case of a medical treatment

IAS Salary during Training at LBSNAA

The IAS officers get Special Pay Advance during the training of Rs 45,000 per month. Of this, Rs 10,000 is deducted as a costs for food, accommodation, clothing, and other amenities provided.

Basic Pay and Grade Pay of IAS on the Basis of Rank or grades

IAS officers’ salary is dependent on 8 pay grades which correspond with their experience and promotion:-

The IAS officers get Special Pay Advance during the training of Rs 45,000 per month. Of this, Rs 10,000 is deducted as a costs for food, accommodation, clothing, and other amenities provided.

Pay Grade Grade Basic Pay Grade Pay Service Period Post
10 Junior Scale ₹50,000 -₹1,50,000 ₹16,500 0-4 years SDM, SDO, ADM (after completion of 2 years probation period)
11 Senior Time Scale ₹50,000 -₹1,50,001 ₹20,000 5 years DM, DC, Joint Secretary
12 Junior Administrative Grade ₹50,000 -₹1,50,002 ₹23,000 9 years Special Secretary, State Government Department Heads
13 Selection Grade ₹1,00,000 -₹2,00,000 ₹26,000 12-15 years Ministry Department Head
14 Super Time Scale ₹1,00,000 -₹2,00,000 ₹30,000 17-20 Director of any Ministry
15 Above Super Time Scale ₹1,00,000 -₹2,00,000 ₹30,000 Not Fixed Commissioner, Additional Secretary
16 Apex Scale ₹2,40,000(fixed) NA Not Fixed Chief Secretary in Ministries
17 Cabinet Secretary Grade ₹2,70,000 NA Not Fixed Cabinet Secretary

Power of an IAS Officer

Apart from the lucrative salary and perks, the IAS officer has many other powers and responsibilities.

  1. Firstly, an IAS officer holds the administration charge of the entire district/state/department/ministry.
  2. Secondly, many people depend on them for their grievance redressal.
  3. They have significant contributions in implementing welfare schemes which transform the lives of people through improved health, education and infrastructure.
  4. They have police powers under Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) 107,108, 109, 110, 144 and 176 to maintain law & order.
  5. They have power over revenue matters including under laws of tenancy.
  6. Also powers for regulation of weapons and arms, Drug License and essential commodities.

The powers of IAS officers are always expanding and evolving as the nation faces new challenges. With climate change and increasing disasters their role has extended like during COVID. They always face dynamic challenges and to cope with that their powers and responsibilities are ever evolving.


The District Magistrate serves as a pivotal administrative figure at the district level, wielding extensive powers and responsibilities. They focus mainly on maintaining law and order, overseeing civil administration, and implementing government policies within the district. The functions of a District Magistrate are mainly divided into Administrative and Revenue related functions; in their administrative capacity they hold authority over law enforcement, issuing orders to ensure public peace, and taking preventive measures during emergencies or disturbances and the revenue function involves, overseeing land records, land revenue collection, and settlement operations.

District Magistrate (hereinafter referred to as “DM”) is an Officer in Indian Administrative Services which comes within the category of “All India Services''. The District Magistrate is the senior most executive magistrate and is in charge of the general administration of a district in India.

The Supervising Officer of a DM is known as Deputy Commissioner and the DM in turn supervises all the other magistrates in the district.

Significance of DM: As a general administrator of a district the DM is required to take cognizance of the matter in public interest which do not necessarily fall in the ambit of state or central spheres and to take it to its logical conclusion by availing help from the Government department or by processing the matter in his own office.


Warren Hastings introduced the system of a district administration way back in 1772. As he attempted to centralise the administration of a feudal Indian society he had to ensure that reliable officers are available at the local levels. For their selection competitive exams were done through a Civil Service Commission in London from 1855. However, it was only in 1922 that Indians were allowed to give this exam. After Independence, the judicial and administrative aspects of District Magistrate were separated to prevent concentration of power and ensure rule of law. More powers for overseeing implementation of national and state policies was vested in them.

All About District Magistrate

District Magistrate (hereinafter referred to as “DM”) is an officer in Indian Administrative Services which comes within the category of “All India Services''. The District Magistrate is the senior most executive magistrate and is in charge of the general administration of a district in India.

The Supervising Officer of a DM is known as Deputy Commissioner and the DM in turn supervises all the other magistrates in the district.

Significance of DM

As a general administrator of a district the DM is required to take cognizance of the matter in public interest which do not necessarily fall in the ambit of state or central spheres and to take it to its logical conclusion by availing help from the Government department or by processing the matter in his own office.

Selection and Posting of DMs

The task of posting a DM is done by the State Government from a pool of IAS officers. The IAS Officers which are directly recruited by UPSC or nominated from Non-State Civil Services. Generally direct recruits are posted as DM after 5 to 6 years of service and promoted members enjoy the post after promotion to IAS, which generally happens after completing 2 decades of service.


  • Administrative
    • A. Conduct Criminal Court as Executive Magistrate
    • B. Maintenance of Law and Order
    • C. Supervision of Jails
    • D. Granting of Licences under the Arms Act
    • E. Preparing panel of names for appointment of public prosecutors and additional public prosecutors after consultation with the District / Session Judge of the concerned District.
    • F.Carry out activities of Disaster Management during natural calamities
    • G. Crisis Management e.g. during Riots
  • Collector
    • A. Conduct Revenue Court
    • B. Registration of Property related documents
    • C. Issuing of Statutory Certificates like SC/ST, OBC and EWC and certificates of Domicile and Marriage etc.

Powers: Defined in the the Criminal Procedure Code, 1974 (“Cr. PC”):

  • To Maintain Public Order: Issue urgent orders to prevent nuisance, power to arrest and power to disburse unlawful assemblies
  • Other ancillary powers of Executive Magistrates under Cr. P.C. a) Power to enforce warrants b) Power to inspect an areas c) Powers of search and seizure d) Power to Order removal of public nuisance

Hierarchy of executive magistrates District Magistrates under the Cr. PC include various classes of Executive Magistrate which are to be appointed by the State Government like: a) Collector, b) Joint Collector c) District Revenue Officer d) Revenue Divisional Officer e) Tehsildar


The District Magistrate's significance lies not only in their extensive powers but also in their role as a bridge between the government and the local populace, ensuring the implementation of government policies and addressing the needs of the community.

Under the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC), the District Magistrate's powers are substantial, enabling them to issue orders for preventive actions, maintain public order, and ensure the safety and security of the district. These powers, vested in them for maintaining peace and harmony, are vital in addressing emergency situations swiftly and effectively. However, these powers if not exercised with caution can result in becoming a tool for power play and misuse.

What is the Civil Services Exam?:

Eligibility Criteria :

In order to be eligible for the IAS exam, a candidate must have obtained a graduate degree from any recognized university in India and must have attained a minimum age of 21 years. Maximum age limits vary as per different categories mentioned in the below table. It is a must for the candidate to attain the age of 21 years as of 1st August of the year of notification. UPSC has a fixed number of attempts for the candidates depending upon the category and age limits.

Category Upper Age Limit for UPSC Maximum Number of Attempts
General 32 6
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) 32 6
OBC 35 9
SC/ST 37 Unlimited
Defence Services Personnel 35 9
Persons with Benchmark Disability 35 9

What Counts as an Attempt?

An attempt is counted when you appear for one of the Preliminary stage papers. Merely filing the form is not considered an attempt.

Can you attempt once you are already in Service?

(Indian Foreign Service) and he/she opted to join that service then that person can't write the UPSC CSE exam again. However, an IPS and other post officers can write the UPSC CSE exam again to compete for a better rank to get IAS position.

Educational Qualification:

  • 1.Candidate must hold a degree from Government recognised University or hold equivalent qualification. There is no minimum percentage which a student must have secured, all are entitled to apply.
  • Candidates who are in their final year of graduation are also eligible to write the UPSC Preliminary exam. All such candidates must produce their final year graduation pass certificate during application for the Mains examination. This applies to students in final year of their MBBS/ Medical degree who have not completed their internship.

Nationality Qualification:

  • 1. For IAS and IPS Services: Candidate must be a citizen of India.
  • 2. For All other Services other than IAS & IPS: Candidate must be a citizen of India /a subject of Nepal /a subject of Bhutan / a Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962 / a person of Indian Origin(PIO) who is permanently settled in India.

How to Clear the IAS Exam

The UPSC/ IAS Civil Services Exam (CSE) is a long journey that requires around 1-2 years of dedication during the preparation and around another year of the exam process which begins in May/ June and lasts till February/ March of the next year. You need to do the following to secure your selection

  • Know the exam pattern, eligibility and syllabus. For this you must read the notification minutely.
  • Know PYQs: By solving previous year's question papers of 5-10 years, you can develop a better understanding of the UPSC exam pattern and the types of questions that are asked. You can also identify the important topics that are frequently tested in the exam. This will help you focus your preparation on the most important areas.
  • Decide When to Attempt CSE: The Prelims Exam is conducted in May/ June every year. Accordingly, one can estimate when to give their attempt keeping in mind the eligibility requirement (maximum age of the candidate) and the time they have to prepare.
  • Prepare A Strategy: Based on the needs, educational background and abilities of a student, they need to prepare their plan. Inspiration can be taken from how previous toppers from your field/ or of your temperament have prepared. These topper’s preparation strategies are available on our ‘Topper’s Journey’ tab. The plan will also depend on the time available for preparation. Some candidates are working professionals, some are college students, and some others take a drop year to focus completely on preparation. Choice of self-study or going for coaching/ test series should also be made at this stage. There are many affordable and accessible Study Courses available at Chahal IAS Academy to meet the needs of all kinds of candidates.
  • Choose an Optional: This is a big decision to take as you will invest around 2-4 months in optional preparation and you can find more details about this in our article ‘How to choose an optional subject for IAS-UPSC Exam?’.
  • Finalise your Sources: Basic books like NCERTS form the backbone of the preparation. Our article on ‘Comprehensive Reference Materials for UPSC- CSE Exam’ will give you a ready book list, curated by experts, to get started immediately.
  • Covering current affairs smartly is important to crack the Prelims Exam. Reading a newspaper and other current affairs material regularly is very important. ‘How to Start Current Affairs Preparation for IAS/IPS/UPSC Civil Services Exam’ will equip you to tackle this challenge.
  • Make a Time Table & Notes: Timelines and schedules are necessary to keep yourself on track in this very long journey. A daily study plan will help you manage your time effectively and avoid feeling overwhelmed. This plan should incorporate regular revisions and also focus on mock tests to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, regular answer-writing practice is essential for improving your skills.


Clearing the IAS exam is not a cakewalk. Therefore, it requires a lot of hard work, dedication and focus on your part. You must study the syllabus thoroughly and come up with a detailed strategy for covering all the subjects given in the syllabus. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and prioritise things accordingly. Apart from regular studies, pay attention to your health too. Indulge in regular exercise, Yoga, Meditation, a minimum of 6 to 7 hours of sleep and also maintain a balanced diet along with dry fruits for the mind. Apart from this, follow your daily schedule properly & be aware of the happenings around you.Don't forget to read the newspaper daily. Practice mock tests, analyse your weak areas and rectify issues so that weak areas ultimately become the strong areas in actual exams. Revision is key to getting success in UPSC CSE Exam so revise your subject's content as much as possible to become an IAS Officer and achieve your dream.
The position of an IAS officer gets huge respect and prestige in society. Apart from various perks & benefits, IAS officers get a huge opportunity to serve the nation and bring change at the grass-root levels and give huge satisfaction for becoming a change agent. Therefore you should put in all your hard work and prepare for this exam with full dedication and focus and achieve your dream to become an IAS officer.

FAQs on IAS full form

1.What is the Full Form of IAS?
The Full Form of IAS is Indian Administrative Services .

2. What is the cut-off of the prelims?
Prelims has two Papers GS 1 paper is of General Studies and GS 2 Paper is CSAT. The CSAT paper needs a score of 33% while the GS 1 paper’s cut off depends on difficult of exam, relative scores of other students and the category in which you have applied. Cut off differ for Unreserved Candidates, OBC Candidates, SC & ST candidates.

3. How many papers are there in the UPSC CSE main exam?
The main exam has 9 papers. However, 7 papers are used for ranking. And 2 papers are qualifying in nature. You have to secure a minimum mark of 25% in Indian Language & English Papers to qualify.

4. What are the other international duties of an IAS officer
Apart from the above-mentioned duties, an IAS officer also has to represent the nation on an International level for negotiation like in UN, WHO, WTO etc.

5. What is the starting salary of an IAS officer
During training officers get RS 45,000 stipend. After two years of training they earn their first salary. Approximately Rs 56,100 is the starting salary of an IAS officer. However, it rises with experience and promotion.

6. What are the additional perks apart from salary for an IAS officer?
The additional perks include travel, transport, accommodation, security, service like mobile and data.

7. What is the maximum salary of an IAS officer in their tenure?
8. The salary of an IAS officer fluctuates to keep pace in inflation. While the basic pay is maximum RS 2,50,000/- the dearness allowance can be more than 100% of Basic Pay. The DA is notified by the Pay Commission.

8. What is Special Pay Advance?
Special pay advance is stipend that IAS officers receive during training. It is the salary that trainees get on behalf of their cadre. It is supposed to be Rs 45000/- however deductions upto Rs 10,000/- are done for amenities like mess food, accommodation, uniform, etc.