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GAHNA NAVYA JAMES IAS Topper Rank-6 UPSC 2022-23 :


  • Gahana Navya James, who secured the sixth position in the UPSC 2022 exam results, garnered attention for her outstanding achievements.
  • However she couldn’t even clear prelims in her first attempt back in 2021.
  • Gahana Navya James, originally from Pala in the Kottayam region of Kerala, has emerged as one of the leading contenders in the UPSC CSE 2022.
  • Her educational foundation serves as a robust platform for her achievements.
  • Gahana's path to attaining this remarkable milestone in the UPSC examination serves as a true source of inspiration.
  • Her fervour for learning, unwavering dedication to her studies, and resolute commitment to her objective have played a pivotal role in her triumph.
  • Throughout her academic journey, Gahana showcased a deep-seated thirst for knowledge, excelling in her chosen field of Political Science.


  • Gahana's achievement underscores the value of self-driven learning and intellectual prowess.
  • Possessing a robust academic foundation, she has shown unwavering dedication to her educational pursuits.
  • Commencing her journey towards success with a pursuit of a

    Master’s degree in Political Science,

    Gahana Navya James not only excelled in her chosen field of study but also clinched the top spot, showcasing her exceptional aptitude and dedication.
  • Graduating in history from Alphonsa College in Pala laid a solid groundwork for her subsequent academic endeavors.
  • While many candidates opt for coaching centers to navigate the demanding UPSC curriculum, Gahana relied on self study, a path demanding significant self-discipline, motivation, and the ability to set her own trajectory.


  • Behind every accomplished individual, stands a family providing crucial support.
  • Gahana Navya James comes from a tightly-knit and nurturing family.
  • Her parents have consistently served as her pillars of strength, encouraging her to chase her aspirations.
  • Their steadfast belief in her abilities played a pivotal role in her journey to achievement.
  • Her father, a retired professor, and her uncle, the distinguished Indian Foreign Service officer Sibi George, have been significant influences in her life.
  • She also draws inspiration from her younger brother, currently pursuing a degree at St. Thomas College. Since childhood, Gahana harbored ambitions of a career in civil service or public service.


  • Gahana encountered her fair share of challenges along the path of independent study she ultimately embraced.
  • It demanded significant self-drive, a meticulously planned study routine, and the ability to stay focused in the midst of distractions.
  • Gahana's accomplishment was profoundly shaped by her unwavering determination and the discipline she cultivated, enabling her to unlock her full potential and showcase her abilities.
  • Gahana's remarkable performance in the UPSC exam, achieved without professional coaching, serves as a beacon of hope and motivation for countless candidates across the nation.
  • Her success exemplifies the importance of self-assurance, resourcefulness, and a thirst for learning.

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Ghana Navya James' success in the UPSC examination can be attributed to her thorough and well-planned preparation approach. Recognizing the intense competition and challenges associated with the exam, she approached her studies with unwavering dedication. Here are the key components of her strategy:

  1. Comprehensive Syllabus Coverage: Ghana Navya James meticulously analyzed the UPSC syllabus and broke it down into manageable sections. She devised a detailed study plan to ensure she covered each topic thoroughly. This method enabled her to establish a strong foundation in various subjects, leaving no essential topic unexplored.

  2. In-Depth Reading and Research: To deepen her knowledge and understanding, Ghana Navya James devoted considerable time to extensive reading and research. She relied on reputable sources like newspapers, periodicals, scholarly journals, and pertinent books to expand her knowledge on various subjects, including current affairs, governance, history, and more.

  3. Efficient Time Management: Effective time management is crucial when preparing for a rigorous examination like the UPSC. Ghana Navya James adeptly managed her time by setting realistic study objectives and adhering to a strict schedule. She allocated specific time slots for each subject, ensuring a balanced coverage of the syllabus. Regular breaks and relaxation activities were also integrated to maintain focus and prevent burnout.

  4. Practice Tests and Review: Recognizing the value of practice, Ghana Navya James regularly took practice tests to evaluate her knowledge and pinpoint areas for improvement. These tests helped her refine her time management skills, enhance her problem-solving abilities, and become familiar with the exam format. Additionally, she placed a strong emphasis on consistent revision to reinforce her learning and retain information effectively.

  5. Seeking Guidance and Mentorship: Ghana Navya James actively sought advice from experienced mentors and successful UPSC candidates. Their insights and expertise provided her with valuable tips, strategies, and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the examination. She attended workshops, seminars, and participated in online study groups to engage with peers and exchange knowledge.

  6. Extremely pleased with the outcomes. Since I was a young child, it has been my dream. Simply wanted to give the exam my all when taking it,” a jubilant Gahana stated