1. Snubbed on Video, Iran FM scraps visit
- Page No 1
- GS 2 (International platform for discussion; Raisina Dialogue)
2. Govt ends age 65 cap for receiving organ from dead donor
- Page No 1
- GS 1 (Society: Organ donation and law related to it)
3. Legal system should away from ‘old boys club’: CJI
- Page No 6
- GS 2 (Bringing reform in the legal system for better deliverance of Justice)
4. 12 Cheetahs arrive from South Africa tomorrow
- Page No 8
- GS 3 (Governmet’s effort for environment conservation and protection)
5. Factors behind moderating CAD, how it will impact markets
- Page No 11
- GS 3 ( India’s international trade position, BoP ; Current account deficit ; its cause . consequences and remedies for it)
6. One year of war
- Page No 11
- GS 2 (Major international event in news)
7. Speaking inclusion
- Page No 12
- GS 4 (Making efforts for development of the vulnerable section of society; brining inclusiveness within the society)
8. Empowering the MP
- Page No 13
- GS 2 (Empowering the MP for better planning and implementation of government programme)