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1. Power where it’s due, 2. No Toppling Games
1. Deterrence and us, 2. A top-down code
1. We have failed Tagore, 2. The out of place people
1. Looking West, 2. Why Arab League has reinstated Syria, 12 years after suspension
1. A data shaped hole, 2. Forests on fire
1. Manipur needs peace, 2. Partnership of equals
1. Take Action, 2. Big City Dreams
1: The Wrong Remedy 2: Ocean’s Twenty
INDIAN EXPRESS newspaper, especially the editorial section, covers a wide range of topics that are really relevant to the UPSC CSE syllabus. It helps to inculcate a dynamic approach in mains answer writing and fetch good marks.
Here we will analyze three different pages of INDIAN EXPRESS newspaper that can help aspirants in dealing with current burning issues. These pages are – Explained, Editorials, and Ideas.
At the top of the editorial page, under the WORLDLY WISE section a quote related to issues covered in the below editorials get mentioned every day. Aspirants can use those quotes to enrich their answers.
Besides these above sections you can keep yourself updated on what to read on a daily basis from INDIAN EXPRESS you can click on the link below –
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